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01 May 2016

DIY Paper Butterflies

I'm obsessed with making my room look pretty. I'm always looking for new DIY decorations that I could add to it. Even though this is exclusively a decoration, I do think it looks great as one. These paper butterflies are so easy to make, and you need to little, and don't they look cute as Spring wall decor?

And the best part is that you only need one thing: paper! You will need square pieces of paper.

I am terrible at explaining origami instructions, but I hope the photos will help...

Fold your piece of paper in halves: horizontally ...

... vertically ...

... diagonally...

... and in the other diagonal too!

Fold horizontally again and place as shown in the picture.

Fold the outer triangles in

Trim the edges to make them round and cuter. You can fold the triangle in halves so can cut them all at once, and then unfold.

Grab the top layer of the outer corners and fold them down.

Grab the little part at the bottom, bring it to the back, and fold above the butterfly.

Without letting go of that part, fold the butterfly in half.

And now you can let go, cause we're done!

I placed them on my wall with a bit of double-sided tape.

Question of the Day

What would you decorate with these?

Estoy un poco obsesionada con decorar mi habitaciĂłn y que se vea bonita. Por eso siempre estoy buscando nuevas manualidades que pueda añadir a mi habitaciĂłn. Aunque estas mariposas de papel no son exclusivamente una decoraciĂłn, creo que quedan genial asĂ­. Son sĂşper fáciles de hacer, y no necesitas casi nada , ¿y no quedan sĂşper cuquis como decoraciĂłn primaveral para la pared?

¡Y lo mejor es que lo Ăşnico que necesitas es papel! Trocitos cuadrados de papel.

Se me da fatal explicar los pasos de papiroflexia, asĂ­ que espero que las fotos lo compensen y podáis entender todo...

Dobla el papel por la mitad: horizontalmente...

... verticalmente ...

... diagonalmente...

... ¡y por la otra diagonal tambiĂ©n!

Vuelve a doblar horizontalmente y colĂłcalo como yo.

Ahora dobla los triángulos de fuera hacia dentro.

Corta las esquinas para que queden redondeadas. Puedes doblar el triángulo por la mitad y así cortas todas a la vez, y luego desdoblarlo.

Ahora coge las esquinitas de arriba, de la capa de arriba, y dĂłblalas hacia abajo.

Coge la partecita que sobresale por abajo, llĂ©vala por detrás, y dĂłblala por encima de la mariposa.

Sin soltar, dobla la mariposa por la mitad.

¡Y ya puedes soltar, porque ya hemos terminado!

Yo puse las mĂ­as en mi pared con un poco de cinta adhesiva de doble cara.

Pregunta del dĂ­a

¿QuĂ© decorarĂ­as con estas mariposas?

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  1. These are too cute. I used to have paper butterflies in my apartment... But they weren't half as cute as these are. Will have to save this post and make them for my office after the move.

    1. Oh thanks! It's funny cause I'm scared of butterflies but always decorate my walls with butterflies too hehe

  2. Love this! You are so creative!!! xoxo

    Vildana from Living Like V & Stalia Is BAE

  3. Great post! These butterflies are really cute and look lovely up on the wall :) I'm going to have a go at making some soon.


  4. Love these little babies! How cute would these be sprinkled over a gift in a giftbox for Mother's Day?

    -Clarissa @ The View From Here

  5. Such an amazing idea these are really pretty :) I love butterflies I have some glittery ones on my bookcase they just look so girly and cute!

    Meme xx

    New Post:
    Cat Hampurr Subscription Box April

  6. I love these they are so cute and so simple to make! Thanks for sharing!

    Ella xx

  7. These are absolutely adorable! I bet they look great as props for blog photographs too!

    Vickie | dearvictoria.co.uk

  8. these are gorgeous, I am officially in love! I wish I had the patience to do origami, otherwise I'd have like 50 done bye now, haha!

    Sara | Herelectricocean.blogspot.co.uk

  9. This is my most favourite post ever! And now my office is covered in butterflies haha! :) xx

    Effi | www.sparkleberryblog.com

  10. I'm definitely going to try this out later!
    The pictures worked well!

    xo, XOIIEE | Life in Style

  11. those are the cutest origami to decorate with!


  12. Just discovered your blog! It's SO pretty. I'm following right now :)
    And these butterflies are so cute, great tutorial.
    I am making a few DIY decorations for my upcoming wedding, and I think these would be such a good little touch!
    I will show you if I do make them! :)
    Sarah xxx

  13. These butterflies are so so cute and seem really simple to make! Also i luckily have some spare wall space.... *Goes to find some paper!

    Kirsty x


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