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23 March 2016

Why I blog, and not vlog

Some time ago a friend of mine asked me why I had a blog and didn't start a YouTube channel instead. Her exact words were that "blogging is so 2008". I could have actually given her a million reasons why I prefer blogs over vlogs, but instead I went for an "I don't know". But guess what? Of course I know. And since I express myself better by writing rather than speaking (there goes one reason), I decided to put all of them in one post. 

1. You can go as fast as you wantThis is the number one reason why I prefer blogs over vlogs is that. One paragraph is boring? Move on to the next one. Blogger writes too much? I can only read the head titles, or look at the photos.  But you can't do that with YouTube videos. Sure, you can skip parts, but you have to make a guess and trust the YouTube is done with the part you're no longer interested in, and that you didn't miss anything too important.

2. Multitasking. I can write my posts while I'm watching a tv show, or listening to music. I sometimes even write posts on my phone while commuting.

3. Writing posts whenever you want. When you want to film a video, you should be in a quite place, with daylight… Well, I write most of my posts from my bed, late at night. I like being able to write whenever I want. If my 9am lecture gets too boring and I get an idea for a blog post, I can just start working on it. I wouldn't be able to do that with a video.

4. Cute templates. I love designing my templates. And it would not give that up for anything. And I love visiting blogs and seeing all the different and beautiful blog designs, and, unfortunately, that's something youtubers don't have.

5. Not worrying about how I look. As I said, I write most of my posts at bed at night. In my onesie, with a messy bun, wearing glasses, and no makeup. And I may not look my best like that it's just so comfortable! I would never film a video looking like that. And I'm telling you… I'm so grateful l can do what I do with no bra on. 

6. Camera. I don't have a camera that's good enough for filming videos. I can barely take a decent photo for my blog posts.

7. Language. Ok, so English is not my mother tongue. So even though I can speak quite fluently, my English is definitely not perfect -as I'm guessing you've probably told my now- and I obviously have a Spanish accent. For this reason, I'm a lot more comfortable writing than speaking.
Note: I obviously to watch YouTube videos, and I definitely did not mean to offend any YouTubers because I really do admire what they do. 

Question of the Day

Do you blog or vlog? Why did you choose to do what you do?

Hace no mucho una amiga me preguntó por qué tenía un blog y no un canal de YouTube. Sus palabras exactas fueron de "los blogs son tan 2008". En realidad podría haberle dado mil razones por las que prefiero los blogs a los vlogs, pero en vez de eso me limité a un "no sé". ¿Pero sabéis qué? ¡Que claro que sé! Y como me expreso mejor escribiendo (y ahí tenéis una razón), he decidido ponerlas todas en un post. 

1. Tú eliges cómo de rápido avanzar. Esta es el principal motivo por el que prefiero los blogs. ¿Un párrafo es muy aburrido? ¡Pasa al siguiente! ¿Alguien se va por las ramas? Solo leo los encabezados, o solo miro las fotos. Con los videos no puedes hacer eso. Sí, puedes avanzar el video, pero tienes que intentar adivinar donde se va a acabar la parte aburrida y empezar lo interesante, y cruzar los dedos por que no te hayas perdido nada interesante.

2. Multi-tarea. Me gusta poder escribir mientras veo una serie, o escucho música. A veces hasta escribo los posts mientras voy de camino a algún sitio.

3. Escribir cuando quieras. Cuando tienes que grabar un video, necesitas un lugar tranqulo y en silencio, con mucha luz... Bueno, cuando escribo mis posts normalmente estoy tirada en la cama ya de noche. Me gusta poder escribir cuando yo quiera. Si mi clase de las 9 de la mañana es muy aburrida y se me ocurre un post, puedo empezar a escribirlo. Con un video no podría hacer eso.

4. Plantillas bonitas. Me encanta diseñar plantillas. Y no renunciaría a ello por nada en el mundo. Y me encanta visitar blogs y ver todos los diseños cuquis y distintos y, por desgracia, los youtubers no tienen nada como eso.

5. No tener que preocuparme por mi aspecto. Como he dicho antes, escribo los posts por la noche desde la cama. En mi onesie, con un moño mal hecho, llevando gafas, y sin maquillake. No tendré mi mejor aspecto, ¡pero estoy super cómoda! Nunca grabaría un vídeo con esa pinta. Y te diré una cosa... me encanta poder hacer lo que hago sin sujetador.

6. Cámara. No tengo una cámara lo suficientemente buena como para grabr vídeos. A penas puedo sacar fotos decentes para mis posts.

7. Idioma. El inglés es el idioma principal de mi blog, pero no es mi lengua materna. Así que aunque puedo hablar con bastante soltura, mi ingés no es del todo perfecto, y por supuesto tengo acento español al hablar. Por eso no me siento mucho más cómoda escribiendo que hablando en alto.
    Nota: Por favor, que ningún youtuber se ofenda con este post. Por supuesto que veo vídeos de youtube y me gustan y admiro lo que hacéis.

    Pregunta del día

    ¿Qué haces tú: blog o vlog? ¿Por qué elegiste tú?

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    1. SAME! I always wondered about starting a Youtube channel but I figured it's so not me. I prefer writing over speaking and don't always want to look on point. At this point being active on Snapchat is way enough talking for me. No need for a Youtube channel that requires me sitting in front of a camera too :D

      Love, Kerstin

      1. I don't even post videos on Snapchat so that shows how bad of a youtuber I would be.... Glad you're team blogs too!

    2. I much prefer blogging! For all of these reasons, plus I just don't find vlogs interesting at all. I get distracted easily watching stuff! x


    3. I would like to incorporate video in the long run, but I would always pick blogging before video. And for all the reasons you've just stated. Blogging can be done anytime any where. I can worry more about my thoughts rather than what I look like in the moment and that's much more fulfilling!

      Good post :)

      Rai | utterardour.blogspot.com

      1. Yeah! Totally! I like how what I look like doesn't matter…

    4. I can relate to this so much & totally agree with everything you've mentioned! :) English isn't my mother tongue either so I don't think I'd feel comfortable speaking it in front of a camera. Actually I think I wouldn't feel comfortable in front of a camera in general because, like you said, I can express myself through writing so much better.

      Sara / AboutLittleThiings

      1. Yay! Glad I found someone who feels the same way!

    5. I prefer blogging as I get to sit in my bed hair up no make and in my pj just the way I like it Hayleydarlingx.blogspot.co.uk

    6. This was such a fantastic read -
      I love blogging for all the reasons you've mentioned - but I also LOVE videos too!! I use snapchat so much and recently am hoping to delve into YouTube too!! But I have to admit blogging is definitely so convenient and sometimes all you want to do is get lost in writing!! Great post darling - I love the idea of it too.. I've not read anything like this!


      1. Glad you enjoyed reading it! ❤️ I was actually a bit afraid of publishing it…

    7. I've thought about vlogging as well and I'd love to do it but I totally agree with you, especially the bra thing haha! xx


    8. Great post, I agree with all these reasons and also that I love my privacy for one and another reason, I work full time and I couldn't take a camera in there a vlog about it and no one would want to see it, so blogging is deffo for me!

      Meme xx

      New Post:
      'Want to Detox, Why Not Try TeaTox*?'

      1. I see! So blogging is deffo for both of us then!

    9. I definitely am in team blog, too! I still have my Youtube channel and maybe also upload travel diaries or something, but I just can express myself much better when I write things down. Also the point about doesn't having to wear a bra when writing is a big plus! :D

      xo, Chrissy | www.arosegoldworld.wordpress.com

      1. haha I was willing the bra part would go unnoticed.. Way to go, team blog!

    10. I prefer writing blog too. I mean, I did thought of maybe starting vlog'ing or something, but I am too self conscious about my English and accent and I'm not to sure people would find my days interesting. It's literally eating, working on posts, learning and reading, haha :)

      -Leta | The Nerdy Me

      1. It's exactly the same with me too. You please keep blogging, Leta! I love your blog!

    11. I couldn't agree more with the reasons you've listed. And that you don't have to do your makeup to write a post is definitely a plus haha. I also feel like the blogging community is more appreciating and loving than the YT community because it obviously takes more 'effort' to read a post than to watch a video (I often watch videos while doing makeup, working on my blog etc) - maybe it's just me but because of the YT community I would feel self-conscious uploading a video. I also find it easier to edit blog posts, editing videos takes soooo long (and also think I'd run out of ideas tbh). xx


      1. I can't really compare the communities because I've never tried to be part of the YT community, but the blogging one is freaking amazing and hard to beat! I agree! I don't have time to edit videos! And I'd run out of ideas too!

    12. I completely agree, I've considered swapping a couple of times over to YouTube but there's always so many more advantages to blogging than vlogging. Great post! xx

      1. I feel like we're somehow pressured to swap to YouTube, but blogging is great! Let's keep blogging!

    13. I completely agree. I love YouTube but it has taken me long enough to build the confidence to start YouTube and I don't think you have to. I actually think you can see more of someone's personality through their writing.

      Robyn | www.robynlouiiise.com

      1. I think it's easier to lie through writing though. Like if you're having a bad day, it's easier to write a smiley face at the end of a text, than actually have a happy face in person...

    14. I agree with you! I been contemplating with starting my YouTube channel again but everytime I get things together to film, impose interest. All the reasons you listed is probably the reason why.


      1. Yeah! I sometimes consider starting a YouTube channel, but I prefer blogging so much! I wonder why we feel like that... like we like blogging, but we feel like we should have a YT channel instead...

    15. Sabes lo que estuve esperando este post jaja. Siempre estuve entre la duda de si seguir con mi blog o empezar un canal y todas tus razones son las mismas que encontre yo para no empezarlo (En especial lo de poder escribir a las 2am sin corpiño jaja)


      1. hahaha si? A mí me viene mejor que tengas un blog, porque me encanta tu blog!

    16. I prefer blogging too! Doing vlogs seems like a lot of extra work with filming and editing and also I feel like I'll look ridiculous, haha.


    17. I prefer blogging as well!
      I can imagine that it is quite awkward to vlog when there are other people around haha.
      And yes, blogging in the evening/ during night is the best part!!

    18. Aww I can relate to so much of this Be! <3 Writing has always been my passion - and although I think Youtube could be fun one day, I don't see it ever being my main creative focus :) Great post! xx

      1. Oh thanks, Jemma! I sometimes think about Youtubing some day but I don't quite see myself doing it...

    19. This is so accurate! I'm in love with blogging, I wouldn't change it. Great post (clap clap clap).
      Obsessed Fashion Blog

      1. Oh thank you so much! I was so afraid of publishing it...

    20. I think it's a whole different ball game vlogging, it would scare the pants off of me and I'd be so self critical. I admire loads of vloggers and love watching them, but for me I'm the same as you! Thanks for sharing, as a lot of people feel the same.
      Betty x
      The Betty Stamp

    21. I love this! I don't think I could ever vlog, it takes me long enough to think about what I want to say in my blog posts let alone on camera!


    22. Muy de acuerdo contigo, sobretodo lo de poder escribir sin sujetador!!!! JAJAJA Kissss

    23. i started out vlogging but the logistics just didn't work, i kept stuttering and falling over my words - whereas when it comes to writing and blogging I can be articulate. I always felt very tense when filming and spent a lot of time thinking about what people would think about my appearance.
      I prefer blogging because then your personality just shines through in the way you design everything like templates as you mentioned, and can communicate in your own way (rather than sounding robotic on camera or something)

      Unless you've got a real knack for sitting in front of a camera talking, i just think blogging is overall better option!

      Quirks & Queries

    24. I TOTALLY agree with all of these! And I just can't imagine sitting in front of a camera and chattering away and it not being totally awful and embarrassing! Hats off to the people that do it, but it is just not for me!

      Clare xx


    25. I've always been better at writing my thoughts than speaking them too. It's a safer place for me.


    26. This was such an amazing post, actually all your posts are amazing "hearts"


    27. No. 5 is just me. <3 Much love to you and Happy Spring, Be!
      ps. I would be a major supporter even if you were a YouTuber. I'm sure you'd still be great at what you'd do!

    28. The reasons that you listed are some that cross my mind so much. A lot of youtube videos now have so much that goes into them like editing programs and lighting and having the right camera. It's tiring to me. With blogging you just need your computer, ideas, blog, and a good wifi connection and you're good to go. I love the honesty of this post and can relate to it a lot. My blog is my space and sure I'd love to add videos but one step at a time. (:


    29. I'm glad it's not just me that wants to blog and never vlog! No one needs to see my face on their computer screen!

      Sarah xxxx

    30. Haha oh man I agree with all of these so much! I love being able to just start writing whenever and wherever the inspiration hits me, I think it keeps me much more genuine and less scripted like a youtube video would be! Loved this post girl! :) xx


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