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30 March 2016

Unicef Tap Project

Today's post is very different, but it's still something I really wanted to write about. I found out about UNICEF Tap Project not very long ago, and I think it's a fantastic project and a great way to help and not many people know about it, which is why I wanted to share it will you.

What is UNICEF Tap Project? Well, for every five minutes you spend off your phone, Unicef will donate one day of clean water to a child in need. And all you have to do is open their website, and go live your life. And if you're bored without your phone, don't worry! It's not the end of the world! Their site will show you cool facts while you're letting time pass.

The idea after this project is that many people claim they can't live without your phone. And meanwhile, millions of children don't have access to clean water. So Unicef challenges you to see how long you can go without something less vital...

I think this is a great idea, because not only can you help those who need it in a very comfortable way for you, but this project can also help you!

Yes, you. It can help you stay off your phone when you need to avoid distractions - like if you're in class, or at work, or working on a new post for your blog. It can help you socialize more! Nex time you're going out for lunch with your friends, or your family, or your SO, I challenge you to open their site on your and your companions' phones to keep you from using it all the time.

I've also been letting their website open all night since my sister told me about this project, so you can help without really doing anything! (Just make sure your phone is connected to a power source, or you'll wake up with no battery. Yep... that happened to me...)

And I'm also challenging you to beat my record! (the one I did awake, of course)

Question of the Day

Can you live without your phone?

El post de hoy es bastante diferente, pero aun así quería escribir sobre ello. Hace no mucho, descubrí el proyecto Tap Project de UNICEF, y me pareció un proyecto fantástico y una forma genial de ayudar , y no mucha gente sabe de él, por lo que quería compartirlo con vosotros.

¿Qué es el proyecto Tap Project de UNICEF? Pues verás, por cada cinco minutos que pases sin usar el móvil, unicef dona un día de agua potable a un niño que lo necesite. Y lo único que tú tienes que hacer es abrir su página web, e ir a vivir tu vida. Y si te aburres sin poder usar tu teléfono, ¡no te preocupes! ¡El mundo no se acaba aquí! Porque en la web te va mostrando datos interesantes para que se te haga más ameno dejar que el tiempo pase.

La idea que inspiró este proyecto es que muchas personas aseguran que no pueden vivir sin su teléfono móvil. Y mientras tanto, millones de niños ni siquiera tienen acceso a agua potable. Así que Unicef decidió retarte a ver cuánto tiempo puedes pasar tú sin algo muchos menos vital...

Me parece que es una idea genial, porque no solo puedes ayudar a los que no necesitan de una forma muy cómoda para ti, sino porque además, ¡este proyecto de puede ayudar a ti!

Sí, sí, a ti. Te puede ayudar a mantenerte alejado del teléfono cuando necesites evitar distracciones - como cuando estás en clase, o en el trabajo, o escribiendo un nuevo post para tu blog- 'Y también te puede ayudar a socializarte! Te propongo algo, la próxima vez que salgas a comer con tus amigos, o tu familia, o tu pareja, te reto a abrir esta página en todos vuestros móviles para así evitaros usarlos.

Otra cosa que hago, es abrir esta página por la noche mientras estoy dormida, así puedo ayudar sin hacer realmente nada. (Eso sí, asegúrate de tener el móvil cargando, o cuando te despiertes habrá muerto. Sí... lo digo porque a mí también me ha pasado).

¡Ah! ¡Y también te reto a superar mi record! (el que hice despierta, por supuesto)

Pregunta del día

¿Puedes vivir tú sin tu móvil?

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  1. OMG this is fantastic. Thanks for sharing this. I am going to do this today and keep your tip in mind :P XOXO

    1. You're welcome. I'm glad you liked the idea!

  2. This is such a great thing! I'm definitely going to do this!
    Paula | www.namelessgap.blogspot.com

  3. This is such a good project! How come I'm only hear about this now?! I am going to participate now! Thank you for sharing this! :)

    P.S. I am going to beat you!Haha, I'll try to at least :)

    -Leta | The Nerdy Me

    1. That's what I thought too! Why doesn't everybody know about this?

  4. This sounds so cool! Will definitely try this out, thanks for posting about this x

  5. This is an amazing campaign! Thank you so much for writing about it and letting everyone know - I hadn't heard of it before. I'm not too bad for being glued to my phone but it's always a nice challenge to see how long you can go, and even better when you are helping out with such a wonderful campaign. Off to get the website up now! :)
    Nicole xx
    Ginger Kitchen

    1. Well, if you're not to glued to your phone, I think - and hope - some kid is going to be receiving a lot of clean water? hehe x

  6. This is such a great cause! Thank you so much for sharing! I'll be at a wedding this weekend and try to get people to sign up -- no one should be on their phone at a wedding! :)

    -Clarissa @ The View From Here

    1. Oh! That's a great idea! And you're absolutely right! You should only take a few photos for instagram, but no more phone!

  7. This is such a good idea! I am going to give it a go because I want to do more for charity this year! Thank you for introducing the app to me xx
    Thrifty vintage fashion

    1. It's actually just a website. I'm happy you liked this. I think this is a great idea too!

  8. Very good idea! Both for Unicef and to train yourself to go out without a phone! It's really a good cause, thanks (:

    Bugger All

    1. True! That's what I think!

    2. Sort of mind over matter! Regards from the Netherlands :)

  9. Thank you for sharing this post and for raising awareness, this is a great project and I'll definitely go and support it. I couldn't completely live without my phone because I would be afraid to miss an important message but I think I could do it for a day. xx


    1. You're welcome! I can't go an entire day without using my phone at all, but I can take little - or medium - breaks...

  10. Wow! This is such an awesome idea. Can't believe I hadn't heard about it already 🙈🙈 *downloads*.
    PS: You also have THE cutest blog design my eyes ever did see!

    1. Oh this is so cute! Thanks! I'm so happy you like the deign!

  11. This is the most amazing idea I have ever seen! I'm going to have to download this right now! Thank you so much for sharing, we all NEED to get off our phones more. It's crazy how obsessed we have become!
    Fix Me In Forty Five - A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog
    Blog Lovin' // Instagram

    1. I agree! We spend way too much time using them! And you don't even need to download anything, just open their website :)

  12. I love this! I started doing this quite a bit when it first launched, but honestly, I completely forgot about it. This is such a great way to force yourself to unplug and also support a great cause!


  13. This is such a brilliant idea I think I could raise quite a few glasses of water with how much time I spend on my phone.

    Meme xx

    New Post:
    Beneath the Surface by Heidi Perks Book Review

  14. What a brilliant idea! I'm going to try this tomorrow :)

    Lilies and Lipbalm


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