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02 March 2016

My favorite apps

I'm the kind of girl that probrably spends way too much time on her phone, so I have a lot of apps to keep me entertained, and I'm always looking for new apps. I have no idea how people live with so few apps, I think maybe they don't know these apps exist. Because ever since I tried them, I cannot delete them from my phone. And I have a lot more apps on my phone, but these are my favorite ones! Oh! And they're all free!

- SleepStream 2. This app plays relaxing sounds to help you fall asleep. I don't know if it's brilliant or it's a placebo but it works perfectly for me. I do try to use it only in emergencies because it works way to well, so when I wake up in the morning and the music is still playing I want to continue sleeping. But I'd rather wake up and want to fall back asleep, than not sleep at all

- Analytics Tiles. I use this app to take a look at my google analytics and it makes everything so simple and easy and pretty.

- Buffer. You may have read about buffer from other bloggers. I use it to schedule tweets promoting my blog posts. I only started doing this recently but it's helping a lot. And all you need to do is spend 5 minutes in the morning to rebuffer all my tweets. I may talk about this in another posts.

- Airbrush. I discovered this app thanks to the ultra lovely Pau from Blossom Ikebana. It's a photo editing app. But it's more like THE app when it comes to photos of you. Take a selfie, edit it a little bit from Airbrush, and admire your beauty for the next 30 minutes. I also love the filters it has.

- Photoshop express. This is the app I use to edit all of my Instagram photos. For me, this is the best app to make my photos all bright and white.

Instalyrics. I spend a lot of time on public transport, which leads to a lot of time listening to music. Most of my music is in English, but English is not my mother tongue so sometimes I don't get all the lyrics and I want to know what the hell they're saying. You can open this app while listening to music and it will open the lyrics on safari.

- TVShow time.  I watch a lot of tv shows and it's hard for me to keep up with all of them. This is what I use this app for. Keeping track of which episodes I've watched, when the new episodes are coming out... and you can also comment on the episodes.

- Donut Day. Donut Day tells you about all the fun holidays. Like Donut Day, or International Ice cream day. I actually just made that one up. I hope it exists!

Question of the Day

Do you have a lot of apps on your phone? Which are your favorite ones?

Yo soy de esa clase de chicas que probablemente pasan demasiado tiempo usando su movil, asĂ­ que tengo un montĂłn de aplicaciĂłnes para mantenerme entretenida, y siempre estoy buscando apps nuevas. No sĂ© cĂłmo hacen algunas personas para sobrevivir con tan pocas aplicaciĂłnes. No creo que sepan que estas apps existan, porque yo desde que las instalĂ©, no soy capaz de borrarlas. Y aunque tengo bastantes más, estas son mi favoritas. ¡Ah! ¡Y todas son gratis!

- SleepStream 2. Esta app reproduce sonidos relajantes para ayudarte a dormir. No sĂ© si está creada por una mente brillante, o todo es un efecto placebo, per a mĂ­ me funciona perfecto. Aunque intento usarla sĂłlo en casos de emergencia, porque funciona incluso demasiado bien. Cuando me despuerto por la mañana y sigue sonando, me dan ganas de volver a dormirme. Pero igualmente prefiero despertarme y querer seguir durmiendo, que no dormir nada.

- Analytics Tiles. Esta app la uso para ver las analĂ­ticas de mi blog, para lo que usa google analytics. Y te muesta todo de una forma super simple y bonita.

- Buffer. Probablemente hayas leído sobre buffez en cualquier otro blog. Lo uso para programar tweets promocionando mi blog. Y sólo me lleva 5 minutitos por las mañanas para darle a "re-buffer" mis tweets. Probablemente hablaré sobre esto en otro post.

- Airbrush. Esta app la descubrĂ­ gracias a la super adorable Pau de Blossom Ikebana. Es una app de ediciĂłn de fotos. O mejor dicho, es LA app para editar fotos tuyas. Te haces una selfie, la retocar un poquitĂ­n con Airbrush y puedes pasarte los prĂłximos 30 minutos admirando tu belleza. ¡Y me encantan los filtros que tiene!

- Photoshop express. Esta es la app que uso para editar las fotos de mi Instagram. Es con la que mejor consigo que mis fotos queden blanquitas y brillantes como a mĂ­ me gustan.

Instalyrics. Paso muchĂ­simo tiempo en transporte pĂşblico, lo que lleva a mucho tiempo escuchando mĂşsica. Casi toda mi mĂşsica está en inglĂ©s y a veces no capto todas las letras.   I spend a lot of time on public transport, which leads to a lot of time listening to music. Lo Ăşnico que tengo que hacer es abrir esta app mientras escucho mĂşsica, y la app solita te abre las letras en internet.

- TVShow time.  Sigo bastantes series de televisiĂłn y me cuesta seguir la programaciĂłn de todas. Con esta app puedo guardar quĂ© capĂ­tulos he visto, cuáles no, cuándo salen capĂ­tulos nuevos... ¡Incluso puedes comentar los capĂ­tulos!

- Donut Day. Donut Day te dice quĂ© se celebra hoy. Como "DĂ­a del donut", o "dĂ­a del helado". Lo del dĂ­a del helado es un ejemplo que me he inventado yo, pero espero qeu exista.

Pregunta del dĂ­a

¿Usas mucho tu mĂłvil? ¿Cuáles son tus apps favoritas?

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  1. Owh the Donut Day app sounds so cute (and delicious!), I'll definitely have to install that one!
    This is a great post, I love discovering new apps!


    1. I love Donut Day! I never open it but I love getting the notifications with what cute exciting day it is today. Although it does make me crave a lot of food haha

  2. I need TVShow time app in my life. I am getting it right now! And Donut Day app sounds so good! I will need to look it up too :)
    I could not live without VSCO app and Crowdfire 'Publish' app on which I schedule my tweets. :)

    -Leta | The Nerdy Me

    1. Oh! I've only tried Buffer. I think I should try both and compare!

  3. I did not realize that Buffer was free!!! I will have to try that one out!! Melanie | Blog: Toots + Dill

  4. They are all such a good apps! Sleepstream sounds amazing so I'll download that. TVshow and instalyrics sounds like apps I really need haha. And thanks for that shoutut, Airbrush is the best!


    1. I hope you like the apps. It's Sleepstream 2. I don't know if there is a first version. And thank you for telling me about Airbrush! I can take selfies now!

  5. Great choices! I use quite a few of those as well, just the Android versions!

    xo, alice / T Y P E N U

  6. Well done Be for the spanish version! Also thanks for sharing these apps.. I didn't know them ! xx


  7. I need to download some of these apps - like Buffer and Analytics Tiles! Those apps would make my life a lot easier... Thanks for sharing.


  8. I don't have any of these apps on my phone, but already downloading airbrush :) VSCO is my favourite app at the moment.

    Ela BellaWorld

    1. Oh! I've tried VSCO too. But I still prefer Photoshop...

  9. That Donut Day app sounds awesome, I love the random holidays! And the analytics app looks super helpful! Wish it was available in the US app store :(

    1. I love random holidays too. It's not available? Oh no!

  10. Thanks for sharing these apps! A lot of these I haven't heard of actually so it's nice to see what other's can introduce :) I'm also on my phone a lot more than anyone should so I have tons of apps to keep me entertained as well haha


    1. Glad I'm not the only one with tons of apps!

  11. Oooh, I've never heard of some of these apps! I'll definitely be downloading some of them even though I probably have too many on my phone already haha.
    Katie x

  12. Donut day sounds adorable, food holidays are always fun!
    Rebecca xo

  13. I love posts like this! I really need to start scheduling tweets so it's great to hear what app you use for that! x

    Xtina G Says..

    1. Oh thanks! You really should! It has helped my blog SO MUCH!

  14. Buffer is brilliant especially when you work full time, my followers have increased a fair bit since using it. I use picmonkey for photo editing.

    Meme xx

    New post:
    'What Big Eye's You Have//Firmoo Eyewear Giveaway*

    1. Yeah! I don't work full time but I study so I get the struggle

  15. TVshow time seems like a great app for me!!! I watch so many tv shows and I start so many new ones that are already into their 6/7 season so this is a must! By the way I nominated you for the Liebster award because your blog is so amazing and I love reading!! :) http://alongcamekathy.blogspot.co.nz/2016/03/the-liebster-tag.html

    1. I had the same problem so I think you'll like it! And thanks a lot for nominating me!

  16. All of these apps sound amazing, I love the Donut Day one haha. I'll definitely try the SleepStream app - I often have trouble falling asleep and I've never thought about getting an app for it. xx


    1. I have so much trouble falling asleep! Let me know if it works for you too!

  17. Ooh I'll have to try some of these!! Thanks!


  18. I love the idea of SleepStream! Thank you for posting - there are so many of these I want to check out!

    -Clarissa @ www.theviewfromhere.is

  19. Great apps! I didn't know many of them but I can't wait to try them out! :)

  20. Analytics Tiles sounds amazing! I'll definitely have to check that out, Google Analytics is so confusing. My favorite apps are VSCOCam and Vinted (:

    Angelina Is | Bloglovin'

    1. It is amazing! I don't even visit the actual site any more, only the Tiles app...

  21. Well, there are some of new for me. I don't have bunch of apps because I want to save a lot of space in it haha. But I do edit my instagram pics with VSCO + snapseed. They are awesome and maybe I should get TVShow Time app so I can track down my fav tv shows. Thank you for the suggestions! xo


  22. I have most of this apps! And love them all to! Thanks for this nice tips! I love you! See you on the next post!


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