I am trying to be a bit healthier lately - pretty much to make up for all those ice creams I couldn't say no to in the summer - but sometimes it's just too hard since healthy food is not always that tasty or easy to prepare. And considering how little time I've been having, it's not always my go-to option. However, these smoothies have been my life savers.
18 September 2016
11 September 2016
Travel Diaries: Venice

This summer I was lucky enough to make a few trips around Europe, and one of them was to Venice. I love Venice. It's a beautiful city, and it just has a special charm. And it has pizza!

04 September 2016
Life Update
Hello! I know I have been a bit absent from the whole blogging world lately, but there is a reason for that... As usual, Univeristy came in the way and I decided to focus on my last exams and my dissertation. And it was all worth it because I'm a graduate now!

10 July 2016
Ban.do Agenda Review
I am an absolute planner hoarder. I love agendas. I buy at least one every year and sometimes even get a new one halfway through the year. Last year, I got three different agendas and attempted to create a bullet journal. I always got myself an agenda for next year and I love it so I wanted to show you!
05 June 2016
Building better sleep habits
My sleep routine has been a huge mess this year and I've been really struggling to fall asleep. Some days I would sleep like 4 hours, the next I would sleep 12. One day I would get up at 7am and the next one at 12pm. As a result, I was always tired and could never fall asleep or wake up when I had to, so I figured I had to make some changes in my routine in order to build better sleep habits.
29 May 2016
Central Perks
Before any of you tell me it's Central Perk, with no s, let me tell you I'm actually writing about Central Perks, a cafe in Toledo (Spain) that recreates Friends cafe Central Perk. I don't think anyone will be surprised if I say I love the show Friends. In fact, I think it's the best TV show ever made. So when I found out there was a cafe like this in Spain, I knew I had to go! And I finally did!
08 May 2016
01 May 2016
DIY Paper Butterflies
I'm obsessed with making my room look pretty. I'm always looking for new DIY decorations that I could add to it. Even though this is exclusively a decoration, I do think it looks great as one. These paper butterflies are so easy to make, and you need to little, and don't they look cute as Spring wall decor?
20 April 2016
17 April 2016
5 litte ways to cheer yourself up | by Georgia Nicolaou
Today's post is a Guest Post written by Georgia, from Georgia Nicolaou Blog. I think we both have very similar blogging styles, so when we started talking about her doing a possible guest post for my blog, I knew it was going to go great and let me tell you, I love her post! And I'm sure you will too! This has been in my list of posts ideas for a while so it's definitely something you would see on my blog. So I'm going to stop writing now and let you enjoy this lovely post that Georgia wrote for you 

13 April 2016
Payday wishlist
After applying and applying for internships this year, I finally got one (woop! woop!). I haven't even started working yet and I'm already thinking of all the things I want to buy when I get paid. I've been dreaming of owning these things for a while now and I just cannot wait any longer. I can almost feel them now.
10 April 2016
Carrot Cake Recipe
You may remember me constantly tweeting asking everyone for a carrot cake recipe. Unfortunately, the only response I got was "vegetables shouldn't go in cakes" (I hope you don't see me as a monster now, Sarah. I promise it doesn't taste like vegetables at all) so I had to ask my grandmother for our family recipe. That's right: our family recipe is now on the internet. There goes my heritage!
06 April 2016
03 April 2016
A-Z : Get to know me
I sometimes think that the secret reason I started a blog was so I could talk talk talk about me. And this is what I'm going to do in this post. So if you would like to get to know me better, woop woop! this is the right time! I did have to skip some letters because I couldn't think of anything, but... close enough!
30 March 2016
Unicef Tap Project
Today's post is very different, but it's still something I really wanted to write about. I found out about UNICEF Tap Project not very long ago, and I think it's a fantastic project and a great way to help and not many people know about it, which is why I wanted to share it will you.
27 March 2016
What's in my bag college bag
Hopefully, this will be my last year at Univesity and this is a post I've been planning to do practically since I started blogging. With the year coming to an end, and my graduation beggining to look like something that might actually happen some day, I decided it was about time I showed you what's inside my college bag.
23 March 2016
Why I blog, and not vlog
Some time ago a friend of mine asked me why I had a blog and didn't start a YouTube channel instead. Her exact words were that "blogging is so 2008". I could have actually given her a million reasons why I prefer blogs over vlogs, but instead I went for an "I don't know". But guess what? Of course I know. And since I express myself better by writing rather than speaking (there goes one reason), I decided to put all of them in one post.
20 March 2016
16 March 2016
Non-UK bloggers problems
Most of the blogs I read, and most of my visits, are from the UK. I always say I'm kind of undercover in the UK blogging community. And even though I love it, there are certain things or moments where you can't be part of it completely. I've met more bloggers who are in this same situation, so these are a few of our non-UK bloggers problems.
13 March 2016
DIY Tea bag tags
You have probably seen me complain a lot on twitter but I've been sick, which had me drinking a lot of tea - which I'm not a big fan of (please don't hate me!) so I needed to do something that would make me feel better about drinking it so I decided to make the whole tea experience a lot cuter and if you do like tea, I think this is probably an idea you will like!
09 March 2016
02 March 2016
My favorite apps
I'm the kind of girl that probrably spends way too much time on her phone, so I have a lot of apps to keep me entertained, and I'm always looking for new apps. I have no idea how people live with so few apps, I think maybe they don't know these apps exist. Because ever since I tried them, I cannot delete them from my phone. And I have a lot more apps on my phone, but these are my favorite ones! Oh! And they're all free!
28 February 2016
21 February 2016
Nacho Pizza
This pizza has been very popular in Spain since one big pizza company (and the best, I must say) launched it this summer. I love pizza and I love nachos just as much as I love watching episodes of Friends, and that's a lot! So I had to find a way to make this pizza at home and I think you're going to love it too!
14 February 2016
Finding balance between blogging & studying
Both blogging and studying are very time-consuming, so trying to do both at the same time is not exactly easy. However, a lot of us try to find a balance between the two of them and find us constantly struggling to find the time we need to keep up with both. Today I want to write about how I do it. Of course, this is what works for me, but that doesn't mean this is the only way to do it.

07 February 2016
31 January 2016
24 January 2016
Some 2016 printable calendars
I'm the kind of girls who needs a calendar on her desk and an agenda in her bag. I absolutely loved my 2015 calendar but now that the year is over, I needed a new one, so I decided to look for one I could print at home and save some money. I found some super adorable ones so I thought that maybe you'd like them too.

03 January 2016
My mom's tiramisu
For years and years and years my sister and I kept hearing from our family that our mom's tiramisu was the best they'd ever tried. And in all those years and years, guess who hadn't tried it once? Yes, that was us. So after some begging and begging she finally made us one. And I, as a good blogger, obviously photographed the whole process so I could share the recipe with you.
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