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18 December 2015

DIY Card Display

It is no secret that I love receiving cards and letters. I even keep every single one of them that I have ever received! I had some leftover ornaments from my ornamental Christmas heart, so I came up with this idea of what to do with them! It's very simple and I think it looks really cute, so I hope you'll like it!

I had an empty space by my bed where I used to have a heart-shaped collage so I thought this needed some decoration and started off by hanging my ornaments using some white ribbon I had at home.

I added a few ribbons to make it look more festive and colorful.

I wanted to use tiny clothespin but I didn't have any at home and patience is not something I excel at. So I used a tiny bit of cellotape instead.

And I'm pretty happy with the result!

Question of the day

Do you receive many Christmas cards?

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  1. Te quedo muy bonito, sos super creativa! jajaja. Y no recibi muchas tarjetas de navidad porque en mi pais no se suele hacer, pero definitivamente se tendria que hacer :)


    1. ¡Muchas gracias, Paula! En realidad en España tampoco se hace mucho, pero a mí es que me encantan todas esas cosas así que envío igual, y algunas personas responden :)


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