I love sending out Christmas cards (and receiving them, but that never happens...). Most people send their cards in the beginning of December, so for those of you who are planning to send out some, I have some DIY envelope tutorials for you and some ideas for decorating them!
DIY Envelopes
Tutorial #1
The first tutorial is an envelope with a liner! I really love liners. It's like a magic surprise when you open it. Kind of like a Kinder egg! And who doesn't like those?For these envelopes, I first "created" a stencil. I just unglued an envelope I already had and copied its silhouette into a piece of cardboard. This way, I can DIY all the envelopes I want! (I actually did this step a long time ago!)
You're now going to copy the silhouette into a piece of paper. I chose a colored paper to make it prettier.
Because I made the stencil a long time ago, it has some drawings that I'd rather you didn't see. Sorry!
Now cut the paper and save for later.
I made some marks 2cm away from the bottom of the envelope.
Because we're making the liner now, you can "close" the envelope, except for the top part.
And place that on top of the paper you want to use for your liner. It can be color paper, a photo, a magazine... anything!
But, instead of making the bottom of the stencil and the bottom of the paper match, you're going to make the paper match the marks we did 2cm away from the bottom, like I did in the photo below.
You can now glue the liner to the inside of the envelope we cut before.
Now close the envelopes and glue everything as needed.
Tutorial #2
This tutorial is great for turning a letter into an envelope and saving paper.
It's best if you use a piece of paper that's pattern on the one side and white on the other side, so you can write your letter in the blank side, and then the other one will show on the outside.
It's very hard to explain what the steps are exactly, so I'm hoping the photos will be a good enough guide.
Start by placing the paper with the pattern side down. Fold it in two halves, and unfold it.
To ensure the envelope stays closed, you can tuck the corners in like I did.
For a nicer view of the envelope, I now turned it.
To make it a bit cuter, I added a sticker to it!
Decoration ideas
Decoration idea #1
This is how I decorated my envelopes this year.
I know the cello tape is a bit ugly, but I was too scared they would open in the mail.
I kept it simple, with a piece of washi tape and a label that says "merry Christmas" (in Spanish) that I created with a label maker)
Decoration idea #2
My sister's envelopes, though, were way cuter!

(okay, maybe she didn't nail the tree. But I do like the little lights!)
And my personal favorite...
I hope these ideas will help you!
Question of the day
Do you usually send Christmas cards?
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