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03 August 2014

Mini desktop whiteboard

It feels like summer just started, but for some people it is actually coming to an end already. I can't believe people are already doing back to top posts/videos I decided to do one too for those of you who unfortunately are preparing everything to go back to school now... (I'm so sorry for you)

You'll need:
  • A frame
  • Washi tape / scrapbook paper / fabric
  • A whiteboard marker to write on it

Start by taking the picture of the picture frame. Then, decide what you want it to look like on the inside. I decided to use washi tape (which I regretted after the first 2 stripes) but you could also use scrapbook paper, or even a nice fabric.

Since I went with washi tape, I had to paste it to something, so I used the same photo that came with the frame, and I pasted my washi tape to the white side of it.

Then simply insert it inside the frame as if it was a normal photo and... it's ready to be used as a whiteboard now!

Question of the Day

When do your summer holidays end?

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  1. Looks lovely and it's an awesome idea!! :3 I actually don't know when my course starts but I think it's only almost in the end of September, the system is a bit different so I don't know how it works

    xx, M | Brunette In Black

    1. hahaha thanks! You probably should find out, Monica ;) xx

  2. Thats SUCH a great idea! Simple too! I am going to make one for my desk at work :)

    Lyndsay | Fizzy Peaches

    1. Thanks! Make sure you show me if you do :) xx

  3. I made one of these 2 years ago, except I painted the border :) It really is a super easy and useful DIY! ;)

    Every Day In Grace

    1. Wow! I tried to paint a frame once but it was a total disaster haha xx

  4. Cute little tutorial! Can't wait to try it! Mckenzie xx
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  5. This is such a good idea! I'm going to try it. x


  6. So easy!!! The right question for me is when do your holidays start because I'm still in Athens and I don't think we'll go anywhere this summer! :P


    1. Thanks! I'd love to go to Athens salkdfjh I'm working all summer too so... ;) xx

  7. What a sweet idea perfect for adding reminders Lucy x

  8. that's so cute! such a nice idea

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