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28 July 2014

Makeover Mondays #3: A drugstore addiction

Last week's winner was Jemma of A drugstore addiction. Jemma has a gorgeous beauty blog, which made working on her design both exciting and a bit scary, because I really wanted to do a great blog design for her. This is the description she left:

I run a beauty, fashion and lifestyle blog (but mainly beauty) called A DrugStore Addiction

This is what her blog looked like at first:

When I first started working on her template I felt super bad and helpless because I couldn't manage to do anything I liked. I really hated how everything was turning out so much I felt too ashamed to even show her, but I finally did so she could give me some feedback and I wish I'd done it before, because after Jemma started giving me suggestions on what she liked/dislike things starting to really come together.

Building her template was a bit of work, I'm not going to lie, and we had to change a few things a few times, but I'd rather work a million hours and make something the other person is going to like, than give them something they won't like and won't use, or will been pressured to use when they don't even like it.

But enough talking. I guess what you want to see is what the final result looked like, right? Ok. Here it is!

If you want to win a blog makeover like Jemma, you have a new chance this week! For those of you who have been entering every week, don't give up. Keep copy-pasting your post. Remember summer has a lot of weeks and you never know which may be your week.

Do you want to win next week's makeover?


  • You must be following me on bloglovin'.
  • You must be a blogger user. I don't know how to design anything for wordpress or any other blogging platforms... Sorry.
  • I will contact the winner on Monday, and you have 24 hours to reply to that email. 
  • If you don't, I will choose someone else.
  • All the designs will include a little credit (it will be small, I promise) that you cannot remove.
  • I only have one week to work on the design.
  • I won't just copy someone's template. When I used tumblr, I remember being asked to make a theme like the one some other user had. Please don't ask me to do this. You can send me blog designs you like for inspiration, or you can tell me you like certain elements in their designs, but please don't ask me to completely copy the whole template.
  • Please do not enter if you are going to unfollow me afterwards, or if you won't use the template.

What must the comment include?

  • Your blog's name
  • Your blog's URL
  • A brief description of your blog
  • Your e-mail (so I can contact you)
  • Why you want to win the makeover


  • You have until Sunday (included) to leave your comment. 
  • I will choose one winner and send him/her an email next Monday. 
  • If you don't answer in 24 hours, I will choose someone else.
  • We have until next Sunday to work on the design.

If you have any questions, leave a comment below or send me an e-mail to lovefrombe@gmail.com.

Have a nice day and good luck!

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  1. This is such a pretty design and perfect for the beauty subject matter. I love the pastel colours. Good job Lucy x

  2. Ah I love it so much thank you :)
    Good luck to everyone entering this week

  3. The design is perfect! I really love it :)

    Brunette In Black - http://brunetteinblackblog.blogspot.pt/
    Blogging has been a passion of mine since 2009 and this year I wanted to take it further. I wanted to share what I love, inspire people and be inspired, to share a little bit of myself with the rest of the world.
    I would like to win the makeover because I want my blog to have something unique and special, the personal image of the blog itself and me.

  4. My blog is Elesaurus, a beauty, fashion, and lifestyle blog which is still in its infancy. It's your average girly blog with a little bit everything and is updated very regularly with a minimum of two blog posts posted a week on hauls, videos, reviews and more.
    My email is elesaurusrex@gmail.com
    I would love a blog makeover as I am hopeless at that sort of thing and as such my blog is a slightly customised version of the simple template. I feel this is something that really holds my blog back and, looking at your beautiful blog design, I know you could make something awesome for me!

  5. I do love what you've done with the logo and the blog!!! It looks amazing and the horse is just so clever! <3

    BerryBloomXO.com | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog 

  6. Gorgeous design! I love the different colours and the description below the photo is so cute! Love it <3
    I just wanted to say how thankful I am that you are giving us this opportunity! There are so many Blog designers out there that charge a lot for their designs so it's so admirable that you're taking time to help us! Even if I don't win, I want you to know how much you are appreciated! <3
    My blog name is "Every Day In Grace" and it's a lifestyle blog where I write about baking, fashion, what I'm loving and life updates. I like to think of it as a mix between my diary and a chance to talk to my readers. :)

    I want to win because I've seen the amazing design you've created for Katie's World of Beauty and was so impressed by the other designs you have done! I've tried designing my blog before, but it hasn't worked out. I've given up on it but then I stumbled across your blog and I felt like it was a miracle that I now have this opportunity! Thanks so much!


  7. This isn't me entering as I'm completely in love with what you've done for my blog still and I would never change it!
    But I love what you've done with Jemma's blog! I love how personal it is to her and it really gives you an idea of who she is! I don't know what you're worried about it's beautiful :) xxx

  8. Love your designs! I've nominated you for a Liebster Award, Here:http://kiripaul.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/ive-been-nominated-liebster-award.html
    Kiri xx

  9. mad love for the unicorn!!! hahaha

    I blog about all things fashion and beauty (mainly, i guess) plus anything that pops up in my mind. My blog stands for empowering women ; whether it being physically or mentally. I hope to win a blog design from you because of how you truly personalize the design to the blogger and to be honest, the blogger "simple" template is really simple. haha

    blog name : frugal in white
    blog URL : frugalinwhite.blogspot.com
    email : woijuli@live.com


  10. Hello, my name is cristy and my blog is called Cristy Jade Lydia ( http://cristynottingham.blogspot.co.uk/ ) and I recently started blogging more frequently. I have Had my blog for about a year now but was never happy with it and didnt post frequently, but now i post about all things beauty, fashion and lifestyle. I really enjoy blogging and have found that its a great hobby of mine. i would love to win the blog make over because Im never fully happy with how i design my blog because im not very good with all this designing malarcy, and would love to have my blog looking fab like all the other winners.

    thankyou! xx
    my email~cristynottingham40@gmail.co.uk
    my blog~http://cristynottingham.blogspot.co.uk/

  11. Hi! My name is Jabi! Saw the beautiful job on Rose Paddington's blog and jst had to enter because I luurved it!

    My blog name is ClosetFreedom. >www.closetfreedom.blogspot.com

    Right now my blog is about fashion items tailored to fit my very tiny student budget. And also as a creative outlet because I'm an Accounting post grad and its jst very hectic so my blog serves as my little dot on the internet!

    My e-mail address is jabi.closetfreedom@gmail.com

    I want to win because I want my blog to represent me and I have no idea how to even begin to make that happen. I'm attracted to super cute blogs and I jst feel like I wouldn't visit my own blog in its current state! Lol-)!



I love reading your comments, so feel free to leave anything you want to say. They always make my days. I always try to reply to all of them so make sure you come back to read my answer.

Leave the link to your blogs so I can visit you back.

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