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21 July 2014

Makeover Mondays #2: Counter Pretty

Guess who got a new computer last week? ME! I'm so in love with it and thank goodness it arrived soon cause my old computer is still dead and I wouldn't have been able to do last week's makeover otherwise.

Last week's winner was Catherine of Counter Pretty, and this is the description she left in the comments:

I started this blog as my corner of the internet where I could ramble on about my makeup addiction and general chatter but on a student budget as so many bloggers seem to have thousands of expensive products that I just can't afford. I absolutely love blogging and all the beautiful friends I've made from it.

Catherine's template was really nice and she told me she only wanted to customize it a little bit more, so that's what we did. I forgot to take a screenshot of what it looked like before the changes (I'm so sorry), but this is the template she had:

link here

The first thing I did was change some things I didn't like a lot, like the date header and the sidebar, which was a bit too pink for my taste, so I decided to make it white and keep only some things in pink.

I then moved on to the graphics. I think I did like every single thing I could think of. And this was the final result:

If you want to win a blog makeover like Catherine, you have a new chance this week! For those of you who have been entering every week, don't give up. Keep copy-pasting your post. Remember summer has a lot of weeks and you never know which may be your week.

Do you want to win next week's makeover?


  • You must be following me on bloglovin'.
  • You must be a blogger user. I don't know how to design anything for wordpress or any other blogging platforms... Sorry.
  • I will contact the winner on Monday, and you have 24 hours to reply to that email. 
  • If you don't, I will choose someone else.
  • All the designs will include a little credit (it will be small, I promise) that you cannot remove.
  • I only have one week to work on the design.
  • I won't just copy someone's template. When I used tumblr, I remember being asked to make a theme like the one some other user had. Please don't ask me to do this. You can send me blog designs you like for inspiration, or you can tell me you like certain elements in their designs, but please don't ask me to completely copy the whole template.
  • Please do not enter if you are going to unfollow me afterwards, or if you won't use the template.

What must the comment include?

  • Your blog's name
  • Your blog's URL
  • A brief description of your blog
  • Your e-mail (so I can contact you)
  • Why you want to win the makeover


  • You have until Sunday (included) to leave your comment. 
  • I will choose one winner and send him/her an email next Monday. 
  • If you don't answer in 24 hours, I will choose someone else.
  • We have until next Sunday to work on the design.

If you have any questions, leave a comment below or send me an e-mail to lovefrombe@gmail.com.

Have a nice day and good luck!

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  1. this blog design is so beautiful!! id love it if youd comment back http://www.amyelizabethfashion.com/2014/07/cloud-nine-magical-repair-and-protect.html xx

  2. I started my blog (frugal in white) mainly to blabber out all things beauty and fashion related and soon realized that it has become a source of my happiness. Blogging is what gets me in my "zen" mode. I just love scrolling through all the pretty pictures on peoples' blogs and making friends from all over the world. i might not be the best at it, but i just got fashion and beauty diarrhoea that i need to put at rest ; thus blogging!

    My blog has a really simple template. It's so simple that blogger decided to name it "simple". So, a re-vamp of the template would be a great!

    juli @ frugalinwhite.blogspot.com

    // woijuli@live.com //

  3. It's so beautiful, super sweet *-*

    Brunette In Black - http://brunetteinblackblog.blogspot.pt/
    Blogging has been a passion of mine since 2009 and this year I wanted to take it further. I wanted to share what I love, inspire people and be inspired, to share a little bit of myself with the rest of the world.
    I would like to win the makeover because I want my blog to have something unique and special, the personal image of the blog itself and me.

    xx, M | Brunette In Black

  4. I think this is such a lovely idea!
    I have had my blog (cristy jade lydia) for around a year now and have started blogging frequently this year, and I really enjoy it! I decided to create a blog because I loved watching youtube videos, but didnt have the confidence to start one.My blog consists of beauty, fashion, baking and lifestyle posts and I love photography so I figured I could share the photos I take on my blog. I also love reading other blogs and looking at the lovely photos people take!

    Im always trying to re-vamp my blog but it never seems to look as good as I want it and to win a blog makeover would be amazing! Thankyou for reading!



  5. Blog name: The Alisha Diaries
    Blog URL: www.thealishadiaries.blogspot.co.uk

    Description: I started my blog some time last year as a way to escape from reality, but now my blog has taken up a big part in my life and is no longer an escape but a way for me to express myself without feeling judged. I would love to be able to create an amazing blog design but obviously I'm not talented in that area, plus it can be quite expensive when you don't have a lot of money. I love blogging and hopefully I will carry on blogging till the very end. I have met some lovely people and hopefully I will meet more along my journey.

    Email: alishajadefaz@gmail.com

    Why would I want to win? I would love to win as I always look at my blog and see how it's so dull and plain, and me being me... I am not talented in the area of designing things what so ever. So when I try and design it myself I always end up having a massive fail :(

    Alisha Xx

  6. Wow this is SUCH an amazing idea! I have just paid for a new layout or I would have entered myself xx

    Gemma | Miss Makeup Magpie

    1. aw thanks! I wouldn't be able to do a design as good as yours so you did the right thing hehe :)

  7. I love her new header- it's perfect the way you used the two fonts. And all the new graphics work so well together, I'm constantly impressed by your talents. I can't believe you are doing these makeovers for free! :)

    I just wanted to say how thankful I am that you are giving us this opportunity! There are so many Blog designers out there that charge a lot for their designs so it's so admirable that you're taking time to help us! Even if I don't win, I want you to know how much you are appreciated! <3
    My blog name is "Every Day In Grace" and it's a lifestyle blog where I write about baking, fashion, what I'm loving and life updates. I like to think of it as a mix between my diary and a chance to talk to my readers. :)

    I want to win because I've seen the amazing design you've created for Katie's World of Beauty and was so impressed by the other designs you have done! I've tried designing my blog before, but it hasn't worked out. I've given up on it but then I stumbled across your blog and I felt like it was a miracle that I now have this opportunity! Thanks so much!


    1. Thanks a lot. I love doing blog designs, so it's my pleasure doing them. I'd do everyone's templates if I could, but since my time is limited, I have to stick to one template a week :( Besides, if I didn't do this, I could change my template like every day so this is like my therapy haha. Good luck!

  8. Hello Be! It's us again(if you remember us haha) (= As you can see, we really really really want to work with you.
    Here we go!
    Blog name: itsksquared | kim & kyle
    Blog url: itsksquared.blogspot.com
    Our email: kimandkyleinquiries@gmail.com

    Info: So, we're sisters who share a blog. We love all things fashion and the like. We just started our blog a few weeks ago and it's going pretty well. (= We're very active, we try to post at least once a week. We really want one of your designs. We really want our layout to truly express us and we hope it embodies us. We're sure you can more than help us here. It would be a very wonderful pleasure to have you design our blog and work with us. xx

  9. Its lovely youre offering free blog makeovers! I'd love one so fingers crossed!
    My blog is Elesaurus, a beauty, fashion, and lifestyle blog which is still in its infancy. It's your average girly blog with a little bit everything and is updated very regularly with a minimum of two blog posts posted a week on hauls, videos, reviews and more.
    My email is elesaurusrex@gmail.com
    I would love a blog makeover as I am hopeless and that sort of thing and as such my blog is a slightly customised version of the simple template. I feel this is something that really holds my blog back and, looking at your beautiful blog design, I know you could make something awesome for me!

  10. thank you for your lovely comment! my blog is called "madam ann" and it is about beauty and fashion stuff. I mostly do reviews because I love sharing my experiences and might help someone because I think reviews are really helpful. I'm quite new to the blogger world but I already start to step out of my comfort zone! I'd like to win the makeover because, well, I have no talent when it comes to design my blog. I would have ideas but I have no idea how to create everything the way I want so it would be amazing if you (and I see from the pictures that you have a lot of talent!) could make a nice design for me :) my email is madamxannblog@gmail.com

  11. I love this idea, it's such a lovely thing to do!
    My blog is http://www.justkirsten.co.uk/ and I mainly post about beauty with a little bit of lifestyle thrown in there for good measure. I started writing this little beauty blog in my little corner of the internet because I wanted a place to talk about what I love with people who also love it, because none of my friends and family were into it as much as I am and I'm so glad I did!
    I'd love to win the makeover because I'm pretty darn hopeless at the design element of my blog and my knowledge extends only to changing the pattern on the background behind my blog! Oops! I originally started my blog as just a way of expressing my love but it's growing into more than that and as it grows I feel like the look of it also needs to grow with it, into something a bit more professional and easy on the eye. I want it to be an extension of me almost and I've seen your design on another blog and fell in love with it so would love you to have a go at making my blog look just as beautiful!
    My email is kirkennn@gmail.com :)


I love reading your comments, so feel free to leave anything you want to say. They always make my days. I always try to reply to all of them so make sure you come back to read my answer.

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