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14 July 2014

Makeover Mondays #1 Crumbliest

It's that time of the week again! However, I have bad news today. My computer screen is not working, so I don't think I will be able to do a makeover this week. I did however, pick a winner any way. If you didn't get it, don't worry, summer has a lot of weeks! Just copy last week's comment and paste it again on this post.

But now... what am I going to do? Well, if my computer decides to magically start working again, I will do the makeover, but if it does't, I will have to do TWO makeovers next week. Yes, two: one for last week's winner, and another one for this week's winner.

And now... it's time to see what I did last week. Last week's winner was Rose of Crumbliest. This is the description she left:

I have a beauty blog called Crumbliest where I review products, diy projects and basically write about beauty :)
I want to win, because my blog is rather new and I don't know a lot about blogging, and I'd like to improve my blog condition.

And this is what her blog looked like:

I e-mailed Rose and asked her what kind of blog design she would like for her blog and she wanted something pretty simple, black and white. Everyone wants a simple and clean template, but it's so hard to make it simple yet not boring, specially when the colors are just black and white. We then decided to incorporate just a little bit of pink to the template, and this is what we cam up with:

Do you want to win next week's makeover?


  • You must be following me on bloglovin'.
  • You must be a blogger user. I don't know how to design anything for wordpress or any other blogging platforms... Sorry.
  • I will contact the winner on Monday, and you have 24 hours to reply to that email. 
  • If you don't, I will choose someone else.
  • All the designs will include a little credit (it will be small, I promise) that you cannot remove.
  • I only have one week to work on the design.
  • I won't just copy someone's template. When I used tumblr, I remember being asked to make a theme like the one some other user had. Please don't ask me to do this. You can send me blog designs you like for inspiration, or you can tell me you like certain elements in their designs, but please don't ask me to completely copy the whole template.
  • Please do not enter if you are going to unfollow me afterwards, or if you won't use the template.

What must the comment include?

  • Your blog's name
  • Your blog's URL
  • A brief description of your blog
  • Your e-mail (so I can contact you)
  • Why you want to win the makeover


  • You have until Sunday (included) to leave your comment. 
  • I will choose one winner and send him/her an email next Monday. 
  • If you don't answer in 24 hours, I will choose someone else.
  • We have until next Sunday to work on the design.

If you have any questions, leave a comment below or send me an e-mail to lovefrombe@gmail.com.

Have a nice day and good luck!

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  1. It looks gorgeous!
    Brunette In Black - http://brunetteinblackm.blogspot.pt/
    I blog about lifestyle, beauty and I'm looking forward to do more in the future and improve my blog.
    I would like to win the makeover because I have no clue about making a design to my blog and because I want it to have something unique that no one else has, the personal image of the blog itself.

    xx, M | Brunette In Black

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That's such a simple yet gorgeous design!
    Hello Be! It's us again(if you remember us haha) (= As you can see, we really really really want to work with you.
    Here we go!
    Blog name: itsksquared | kim & kyle
    Blog url: itsksquared.blogspot.com
    Our email: kimandkyleinquiries@gmail.com

    Info: So, we're sisters who share a blog. We love all things fashion and the like. We just started our blog a few weeks ago and it's going pretty well. (= We're very active, we try to post at least once a week. We really want one of your designs. We really want our layout to truly express us and we hope it embodies us. We're sure you can more than help us here. It would be a very wonderful pleasure to have you design our blog and work with us. xx

  4. Beautiful as always

    My blogs name is samanthaaann
    My blog description if you were to go onto my page is fashion, life and beauty.
    There are a lot of reasons why I would like to have a blog makeover, I started my blog as something fun to have for myself because the stress of school work and interning is a lot and I needed something to express myself. I wanted to originally start a YouTube channel but didn't have the time or means for it. I'm currently waiting to get my new MacBook which will help immensely with being able to keep up with my blog because my current laptop is on a slow road to dying, I feel like have the perfect blog makeover will make it something I could be proud of and happy to show people such as my internship and professors.

    Xx samantha

  5. My blog's name is "thoughts-of-a-fashion-lover"! I started this blog just this week which makes me a real newbie in the blogger world. I had an account here since 2011 but never felt confident enough to start my own blog BUT I got inspired by so many other bloggers and I thought ..."Well, you can give it a try...they don't have to read it if they don't like it!". So my blog is still in progress but it will contain everything about fashion, beauty & life! I want to help people in diffrent areas of their daily life by sharing my opinions & my own experiences.

    I would love to win this because I've seen your designs and I was beyond impressed by how much they fitted to the blogs - like you really took your time to find out how the person wants her blog to be like. Your designs also represent the content of the blogs so well & I think that you and I could make a great design for my blog that really shows who I am & what I want to achieve with it! :)

    Love Ellie xo


  6. I've nominated you for the Liebster Award. xx
    Here's the link: http://sophieballinger.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/liebster-award-1.html

  7. Hey Be, I nominated you for the bloglovin awards best newcomer and best personal life i hope you win

  8. You did an amazing job Be! I hope your computer starts working again soon x


  9. super<3
    Maybe want follow each other? if yes, just follow me and i follow you back :)

  10. Yay! What a lovely idea! Crumbliest's blog looks fantastic now and has inspired me to enter - I've shot you an email with my entry :) Have a lovely week!



  11. A really lovely design simple but elegant. Love it. Be you know I emailed you about the page well I have now found where the link was to the page it wasn't google + it was blogger you know the page you go to if you click your image. Hope this helps Lucy x

  12. Hey! :)
    You might reckonise me as the complimentary twitter girl with CounterPretty haha!
    I know this is a last minute entry but I just couldn't resit the chance of winning!
    I run a beauty, fashion and lifestyle blog (but mainly beauty) called A DrugStore Addiction: www.adrugstoreaddiction.com

    I'd be so happy to win the makeover as I've been looking out for one for a while now. My blogs relatively new but it's grown so quickly that I haven't had the change to learn about complicated HTML yet and my blog design has suffered because of it.
    I know you designed Counter Pretty's blog and I absolutely adore the look of it. I would love something similar for myself and would literally never stop showing it off!
    My email is adrugstoreaddiction@yahoo.co.uk


I love reading your comments, so feel free to leave anything you want to say. They always make my days. I always try to reply to all of them so make sure you come back to read my answer.

Leave the link to your blogs so I can visit you back.

Ps. Make your links clickable by adding: