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25 May 2014

Things I wish we had in Spain

I'm always complaining about how Spain feels like Narnia, and how I wish we had a lot of things here that unfortunately, we don't. So when I saw Bea of Bea's Beauty Blog did a post of things she wished they had in the UK, I knew I had to make a similar post myself.
Siempre me estoy quejando de que España parece Narnia, y que desearía que tuviésemos un montón de cosas aquí que, por desgracia no tenemos. Así que cuando vi que Bea de Bea's Beauty Blog hizo un post de cosas que deseaba que tuviesen en UK, supe que tenía que hacer otro parecido yo.

Most of these things are from the USA, because it's my favorite country and I just love everything in there, but there are things from some other countries too...
La mayoría de estas cosas son de USA, porque es mi país favorito y me encanta todo de allí, pero también hay cosas de otros países...

So let's start with the stores...
Empecemos por las tiendas...

Forever 21
They sell so many nice things, and for an affordable price... I wish we had it here!
Venden cosas súper bonitas y a un precio asequible... ¡Ojalá lo hubiese aquí!

Victoria's Secret
Their underwear is simply perfection! Ever since I bought something there for the first time, I don't like anything else...
Su ropa interior es simplemente perfecta. Desde que compré ahí por primera vez, no me gusta nada más...

New look
I love their stuff. They're so nice and it's so frustrating we don't have it here.
Me encantan sus cosas. Son súper bonitas y es muy frustrante que no haya aquí.

Bath&Body Works
I love everything from this store, specially the hand sanitizers. If we had it here, I'd probably be broke by now. But it'd be totally worth it.
Me encanta todo de esta tienda, especialmente los desinfectantes. Si hubiese aquí, creo que probablemente ya estaría arruinada, pero merecería la pena.

You probably know by now, but  I love food, and there are a lot of food I wish we had here...
Probablemente ya lo sepáis, pero me encanta la comida, y ahí muchas cosas que desearía que tuvíesemos aquí...

Auntie Anne's
For those who don't know what it is, Auntie Anne's sells the best pretzels in the whole world. And they don't even sell pretzels here...
Para los que no sepáis que es, Auntie Anne's vende los mejores pretzels del mundo entero. Y aquí ni siquiera venden pretzels...

Lucky Charms
These are probably the best cereals in the whole world. I love them!
Estos probablemente son los mejores cereales del mundo entero. ¡Me encantan!

Mountain Dew
This is so frustrating. Pepsi is a very large company, and we obviously do have pepsi here, so why can't they just bring Mountain Dew here?
Esto me frustra mucho. Pepsi es una compañía muy grande y, evidentemente, tenemos pepsi aquí, así que, ¿qué les costaría traer Mountain Dew?

Ok, we do have some Mexican restaurants, but I do miss Chipotle because their food is SO GOOD!
Vale, tenemos restaurantes mexicanos, pero la comida de Chipotle está MUY BUENA y la echo de menos.

I keep being told that gyros are the same that kebabs. Well guess what? They're not! I love gryros and I don't like kebabs. And the only place I knew in my town where they sold them closed, and I miss them.
Siempre me dicen que los gyros son iguales que los kebabs. ¿Pero sabéis qué? ¡No lo son! Me encantan los gyros y no me gustan los kebabs. Y el único sitio que conocía en mi ciudad que vendía ha cerrado, y los echo de menos.

Hurbert's Lemonade
This lemonade is delicious and the bottles are sooooo cute I want to die. They really brighten someone's day.
Esta limonada está super buena y las botellas son taaaaaaan cuquis que me quiero morir. De verdad que le alegrarían el día a cualquiera.

And some things I also wish we had here are...
Otras cosillas que desearía que hubiese aquí son... 

This is another example of a large company who refuses to come to Spain.
Este es otro ejemplo de una compañía grande que no quiere venir a España.

Yankee Candles
Do I need to explain why I want them? I love candles and these are the most perfect ones so I wish they sold them here. I'd probably buy every single kind of them. 
¿De verdad necesito explicar por qué las quiero? Me encantan las velas y éstas son las más perfectas del mundo, así que ojalá hubiese aquí. Creo que me compraría todas las que existen.
( Nota: sé que en algunas tiendas venden de exportación, pero por el precio al que las venden, es casi como si no lo hiciesen )

Sororities / Campus Life
This is something I really hate about Spain. Unless you don't have a good university in your town, or you don't get in, you'll probably just live with your parents when you're at university. The only difference between school and university is that the second one is harder. And I wish it was more... American. Like moving out to a campus, having sororities...
Esto es algo que odio mucho de España. A no ser que no haya universidades buenas en tu ciudad, o que no te admitan, probablemente vas a seguir viviendo con tus padres mientras vas a la universidad. La única diferencia entre la universidad y el colegio, es que la primera es más difícil. Y desearía que fuese todo más... americano. Que nos mudásemos a un campus, hubiese hermandades....

Dollar tree / Poundland
For those who don't know what these are, these are stores where everything costs $1 / £1. We have some stores here that claim to do that, but the truth is nothing in them is that cheap, and the quality is awful. So I wish we had a store where everything was 1€.
Para los que no sepáis que son, son tiendas en las que todo cuesta $1 / £1, pero no como los "todo a 100", que nada cuesta "100", y encima la calidad es pésima. Así que ojalá tuviésemos una tienda donde todo costase 1€.

Question of the day: 

What do you wish you had in your country?

Source of the photos: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]

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  1. I definitely want to try chipotle! Ive heard so much about it! And I totally agree about Victorias secret! Best underwear ever!!
    Little Beauty Blog
    Elizabeth x

    1. Chipotle is delicious!!! If you like mexican food, you have to try their food some day. And VS really sells the best underwear... xx

  2. I wish we had Bath & Body Works in the UK, I want so many of their hand sanitisers! x


  3. Oh, I think Spain is a dream land with so many cool things that you can't just complain! Really funny that you don't have Netflix and Mountain Dew :D I miss Forever21 and Topshop in Finland...

    1. Spain a dream land? If you don't mind me asking... why do you think that?

    2. I love Spanish language (it sounds so flowly and cute) and the culture where people are talkative and cheerful (compared to shy and reserved Finns). Also there are so beautiful and exciting places like Gaudi's Barcelona, Semana Santa festivities in Sevilla, Alhambra mosque, Cordoba cathedral, Segovia... The tomato war and other crazy traditions. Barcelona-Real Madrid match. I'd love to experience all that. Plus the weather is warm. I know the financial crisis and other problems are taking their toll but overall there's a lot of cool things in Spain! Live a little time outside your own country and you'll see all good things about it! :)

  4. I totally feel you!!! Sadly Greece is even more off for most of the things you mentioned! Except for gyros!!! Love gyros, hate Kebab, definitely not the same thing!!! :D


    1. You have a lot of amazing things in Greece! I really love that country. And thank goodness you understand the difference :) xx

  5. I wish we had a Bath and Body Works too! I watch so many haul videos on Youtube where people buy the most amazing looking candles and they're always from there!
    Lovely post Be :)
    Bea x
    Bea's Beauty Blog

  6. I wish there was a Victoria's Secret near where I live, I love their underwear!

    Salted Roses // UK Fashion Blog

  7. Hello lovely, I just came across your blog and it's awesome!! :)

    I look forward to your next post!

    Please check out my blog if you can, thank you;



  8. I wish we had bath and body works in the UK everyone always has great thing to say about it :( new look can be a bit hit and miss sometimes you can get some nice pieces in it, I think there is only two or three forever 21 in the UK wish there was one near me Anna x

    1. Aw, well it's something, and it's more than we have here :) Bath and body works should really expand to other countries! xx

  9. I would love Sephora! I know we can order online, but would love to b able to go in! American eagle!
    Bean's Beauty Blog

    1. I can't believe you don't have Sephora. And I forgot to add American Eagle! I love that store too! xx

  10. your post was sweet, we don't have many victoria's secret or forever21 stores in the uk if it makes you feel any better? haha anyways, i'm following you now :) so i hope you follow me back, would appreciate it hun! x

    The Silver Doll

    1. Well, at least you do have some. It's something :) xx

  11. There's a lot of things that you have mentioned in this post that I take for granted having it so readily available here in the UK. It's made me appreciate them that little bit more. However, I am very jealous of Spains weather, it seems to be beautiful all the time.


    1. Aw, you only say that because you haven't experienced summer without air conditioning and a swimming pools. It's way too hot. It's unbearable. And to be honest, it was traveling which made me discover and love a lot of things I didn't know I was missing before ;) xx

  12. Interesting <3


  13. Replies
    1. I don't know. I really liked it when I went to London... xx

  14. i wish there was a bath and bodyworks in the UK!

    from helen at thelovecatsinc.com

    ps. take a peek at my £250+ beauty giveaway, if you fancy! click here.

    1. They should totally bring it to Europe! xx

  15. very nice impressions! LOVE IT
    x Maria
    New outfit up on my blog
    featuring a wonderful trapeze bag

  16. I wish we had all these in NZ, especially Bath & Body Works!

    CassandraMyee | Beauty | Fashion | Life

  17. I had no idea some of these weren't in Spain! I seriously can't live without Forever 21 and Netflix. Spain is seriously so beautiful though! I love going there whenever I can :) and also, Narnia is pretty darn cool :P
    I totally agree with you on the New Look part, there's no New Look in the US so the only time I can snag any of their items is when they sell them on Asos
    Great post, Be! Can't wait to see more :)
    Also, thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog! :)
    Hope you're having a beautiful Monday!xx

    ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ Creme de la Chic ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡

    1. Aw! But you have so many nice stores in the US to make it up for New Look, though ;) I love going to the US whenever I can too... And I cannot wait to read more from you too. Thanks a lot for stopping by! xx

  18. Net flix!! :( I desperately want it too

  19. Ahhh, i love this site, it's so prettie! Also, that's a good idea for a blog post, I'm now thinking I should do one for the mall over here near my place in Los Angeles!

    I'll be back to your site! ;)

    Hunni of Tiffanyxoxo.com

    1. You should totally do it! If you do, make sure you send me the link so I can see it, cause I'd love to :) xx

  20. Great post idea! I so wish we had Bath & Body Works here in the UK! Their products are amazing, and so affordable! xx

    Gemma // Miss Makeup Magpie

    1. I agree. They should totally bring it to Europe... xx

  21. Oh my gosh! I really wish we had a B&BW in London!!! It would be so amazing! Everyone is always going on about the awesome festive scents and I'm just sitting on my laptop wishing we had smell-o-vision!
    Lovely idea for a post though! I totally agree with you! <3


    1. Computers should totally have smell-o-vision haha I totally feel you. I hope they bring it to Europe soon...

      And you should totally do a post about this too :) If you do, please send me the link so I can read it :) xx

  22. Being from the US a post like this is always a bit of an awakening, how things like Mountain Dew and Netflix are available everywhere, but not in Spain, it is crazy to think about. And oh no, I hope you get a Chipotle lol I love them so much.

    I loveeee gyros! They're definitely not Kebabs.
    They're hard to find good ones here sometimes too. I'm always on the look out.

    Greatttt post! :)

    xx, H

    1. You are very lucky to live in the US. I'd love to live there. And thank goodness someone understands the difference haha Thank you! xx

  23. Great post! Totally love your blog as well. Keep it up!

    Btw do you like to follow each other via GFC? let me know.
    Lou of, steal-thestyle.com

  24. Netflix isnt in Spain?! that is so unfair. Lovely post xx Rena Kiss and Make Up

  25. Ah i don't know how you can live without yankee candles and netflix! So unfair you don't have them in Spain!
    The Lipstick, The Girl and Her Wardrobe

    1. I don't know how I do it either. It really is! xx

  26. Forever 21 is my favorite :D


  27. I love this post so much <3!
    I wish we had Forever 21 :( & New Look is amazing though ;D

    Sensitive Epidermis | Rainbow

  28. hahah this is all so true, I am from Spain as well and I wish we had those here!



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